
Internship opportunities broaden the repertoire of students 和 enhance their abilities to enter jobs or post-graduate programs upon graduation not only because they gain valuable experience in their disciplines of study but also because they make important connections with people their field. Our students in Biology have interned for a variety of organizations including the Boston Aquarium, 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所, 科罗拉多州调查局, 土地管理局, the Gr和 River Mosquito Control District, 社区医院, St. 玛丽医院, 萨科曼诺研究所, 马里亚克诊所, 安慰牙科, the City of Gr和 Junction Water Treatment Plant, 西部博物馆, 奥杜邦协会, the Animal Medical Clinic 和 the 尤里卡! 麦康奈尔科学博物馆. 


Biology majors 和 minors can learn about internship opportunities by: 

  • Contacting the Biology Department Internship Coordinator, Dr. 嘉莉McVean.
  • 利用CMU 就业服务办事处.
  • 注册和使用 握手, an online resource that helps connect CMU students with employers for internships.
  • Approaching the organization or business with whom they want to intern directly. 

Earning College Credit for Internships 

注册实习(BIOL 499)

Whether they are paid or unpaid, students can earn academic credit for these experiences. In order to earn the academic credit, students need to work with the Biology Department Internship Coordinator 或者用 教员 in Biology of their choice to initiate the paperwork necessary to earn college credit for the work. Students earn college credit for the internship by registering for BIOL 499; this is a variable-credit, upper-division course that can be taken for anywhere between two 和 ten credits. Each credit is equivalent to 45 hours of work as an intern. Up to TEN credits of BIOL 499 can count toward the upper-division requirements for the Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences.



If you are an employer or organization who would like an intern who is majoring or minoring in Biology, 请与 Biology Department Internship Coordinator or CMU就业服务. 职业服务 can work to connect you with our biology students through e-mails 和 through notifications on 握手, our online platform that connects employers with students. 作为雇主或组织, 一旦您在握手上注册, you can post internships 和 jobs on the platform to recruit CMU students. 


Danace亚瑟 : Danace interned with the National Audubon Society in Gr和 Junction, 科罗拉多州 to survey small mammals at the Nature Center near Connected Lakes State Park.

Estephen科尔多瓦: Estephen interned at the Palisade Insectary; as an intern he conducted experiments of invasive weeds.

Kristine爱说: Kristine interned at the Division of Wildlife in Gr和 Junction, CO.

扎克Fitzner: Zach was a research intern in the Bahamas, collecting data on ground-nesting parrots. He also worked in Equatorial Guinea on a research project on sea turtles.

亚历克西斯福尔摩斯: Alexis worked as an historical forensics intern at 西部博物馆 in Gr和 Junction, 科罗拉多州.

史蒂夫·格鲁: Steve interned at the City of Gr和 Junction Water Treatment Plant; as an intern, he worked on becoming certified to examine water for 贾第虫属隐孢子虫.

马修·马文: Matthew interned at the 科罗拉多州调查局 (CBI). After graduation, he took on a full-time position as a CBI agent.

Pam莫布里: Pam interned at the 科罗拉多州调查局 (CBI). 她现在为CBI工作.

奥斯汀Seay: Austin interned at the Boston Aquarium; as an intern, he worked with the aquarium's penguin population. 毕业后,. Seay took on a position at a Marine Institute in the Caribbean working to educate students on marine life through snorkeling 和 diving expeditions.

丹尼斯Venzel: Denise interned in the Crime Lab of the Mesa County Sheriff's Department in Gr和 Junction, 科罗拉多州.

妮可白: Nicole interned at the 科罗拉多州调查局 (CBI). After graduation, she took on a full-time position as an analyst at CBI.